Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Whoooops !

What I mean't to say back there was I am selling these fairies from this site for £48 each ! Not much of a saving at £58 ... more pictures WITH wands to come ...

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Christmas Is Coming !

I have been developing some new and special fairies to go on top of the tree and based on the memory of the fairy that was dusted down every year at home as a child. She had a gauzy
skirt, a netted petticoat and some stiff silvery lace . The idea is that they become treasured keepsakes, so they come in a nice box with a bow on top, some shredded tissue to lie on and I have a printed label to finish the whole thing off. Oh yes and every one has her name on a scroll in the lid.

I am working on some wands for them to hold and then they should be ready for the shops.
They will be retailing at £60 but I am selling them for £58 from this site, plus postage.