Tuesday, 15 July 2014

High Summer

 Well it's high Summer here at Betty's cottage and we have been celebrating with frosted petal fairy cakes ( a fairy speciality ) these ones were made with a lemon polenta sponge and a vanilla cream frosting , the paper cases were wiped clean and put in the fairy dressing up box for a rainy day.

It's a favourite time of the year with the roses out ...

 and the meadows in full bloom ...

 and if you look very carefully you might just spot a fairy looking for a new wand ...
this one has just found a lavender one amongst all the cornflowers and poppies.
 With Nature at her most glorious it sets a fairy thinking of Fairy Gardens where everything is just that bit more magical ...

 Delia is sitting on a dew drop and watching a cricket tap dancing ...

 Pamela plays with her Hornet wand ...

And lets not forget all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes to keep our gardens looking so magical ...
Happy fairy Spotting !